Kristina James, FNP-C
Kristina James, FNP-C graduated from University of Victoria with a Bachelor's of Science degree in Nursing in 2003. She furthered her education by receiving her Master's of Science in Nursing from University of North Georgia in 2016. Her academic honors include membership in the SUmma Cum Laude.
She is board certified by American Association of Nurse Practitioners.
Kristina James FNP-C manages and treats all headaches, including Botox administration for chronic migraines, seizure disorders, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Myasthenia Gravis, and Peripheral Neuropathy.
Kristina James FNP-C provides neurological care for patients 13 years of age and older.
Kristina James's NP-C Medical Assistant can be reached at 678-696-2158.